Basics of Entity Framework Core

Have all of your controller constructors use this interface in their constructor. This way, Microsoft still controls the dbcontext as it sees fit. Context will be managed by runtime and injected when creating repository instances when creating controllers. advantages of entity framework Basically Model is a class that represent database table, stored procedure, function and so on. We can create manually this class and configure it in DbContext like below or we can create all models of all or specific objects from Database.

To delete an entity using Entity Framework, you use the Remove method on DbSet. The entity is removed from the change tracker and is no longer tracked by the DbContext. Calling Remove on an existing entity that is being change-tracked will register the entity for deletion the next time SaveChanges is called. The following example shows an instance where the student is removed from the database whose first name is Ali. The context class is used to query or save data to the database.

Installing Entity Framework Core

Global Query Filters allow you to define query logic that is automatically applied to all queries for a given entity type. To update the database with the changes from your migrations, use the Update-Database command. With the environment set up, you are now ready to begin defining your database context and entities. Configure your Database Connection String within the appsettings.json file or through environment variables.

what is dbcontext in entity framework

So, create a class file within the Entities folder named Student.cs, and then copy and paste the following code. In the above code, the optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer() is an extension method used to configure EF to use SQL Server as the database provider by specifying a database connection string. We have specified entities as DbSet properties, but we haven’t specified the database name and database server info yet. We can override DbContext’s OnConfiguring() method to configure the database and other options to be used for this context. This method is called for each instance of the context that is created. You can also create a repository class and interface which has idbcontext constructor parameter.


Later, as we progress, we will add more domain classes to this example. Once we have a created context and the DbSets for the entities, we can then perform the CRUD operations on them. The DbContext is the backbone of the Entity Framework Code First. This class is inherited from the namespace. The DbContext is part of the EntityFramework.dll assembly and is installed separately using the NuGet package Manager.

  • Whenever you make a change to one of your entity classes, EF Core can generate a migration to update the schema.
  • In this article, I am going to discuss DbContext Class in Entity Framework Database First Approach in detail with Examples.
  • DbContext is a combination of the Unit Of Work and Repository patterns.
  • Once we have these in place, then we can Write and execute queries against those models, which gets translated to the database query and executed.

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